Hardening off seedlings
For years I failed at hardening off seedlings. I would read in gardening books about putting seedlings out in full sun for a couple of hours everyday for two weeks. Well, this probably works well in...
View ArticleMore potting up and moving out
Dear Carol and Mary Ann, A few days ago when I started this post for our Dear Friend and Gardener Club, I was potting up and moving out seedlings of most of the flowers I started from seed. In the...
View ArticleEasy vegetable seeds to sow outdoors
When I was a new vegetable gardener, I was scared to grow any vegetables I couldn’t directly sow outdoors. I was afraid to start seeds inside, and who could blame me? I was new at this gardening...
View ArticleDear Friend and Gardener
Dear Carol and Mary Ann, I finally figured out how to make a Mr. Linky type of list for our Dear Friend and Gardener posts. I’m using InLinkz because I blog on WordPress instead of Blogger. We’ll see...
View ArticleYou don’t need Miracle-Gro®
I really hesitated writing this post, but my thoughts and reservations about Miracle-Gro® have percolated for years. It’s now time to write about this blue/green brew. Let’s begin with a conversation I...
View ArticleDear Friend and Gardener: June vegetable garden update
Dear Carol and Mary Ann, I have so much to tell you for the vegetable garden update this month. It has rained almost weekly in Oklahoma since late spring. These aren’t true drought busters, but still...
View ArticleSummer containers thirst for drip irrigation
If you’re already tired of watering those containers on your deck or patio, install a drip irrigation system. Summer containers thirst for drip irrigation. Because we have more than twenty containers...
View ArticleBeautiful vegetable garden at the Idaho Botanical Garden
Today we visited the Idaho Botanical Garden in Boise, and I saw this beautiful vegetable garden. I thought you’d like to see it too. Whenever I travel, I always try to visit the local botanical garden....
View ArticleVegetables harvested after vacation
Dear Carol and Mary Ann, It’s hard to take a trip in the summer. when you’re a gardener. It’s even harder when you’re a vegetable gardener. Most vegetables are annuals or tropicals grown as annuals,...
View ArticleThe great tomato palooza
Tomatoes, tomatoes everywhere! It’s more than an abundant harvest at this Oklahoma red dirt ranch. It’s a tomato palooza, all because the head gardener and planner made a rookie mistake even though...
View ArticleNews about The 20-30 Something Garden Guide
One of the best parts of an author’s job is spreading the news about one’s book. Not for sales so much, but because you get to meet so many people who are as enthusiastic about your subject as you are....
View ArticleThe vegetable garden is completely out of control
While I was away so much this summer, the vegetable garden got completely out of control. The grass overwhelmed everything, but my husband, Bill, used the string trimmer to bring back the big garden....
View ArticleBuying seeds and the cold frame
Just a quickie. It’s been so long since I’ve written a post for this veggie blog, but I wanted to steer you over to a post I wrote on buying seeds for Red Dirt Ramblings. Not much veggie growing going...
View ArticlePlanted seeds today
I planted seeds today in between the snows. Snow last weekend, and snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Then, seventies later in the week. If I don’t get the chard and other cold crops planted now, the...
View ArticleVegetable garden in early spring
I know it’s been forever since we’ve chatted, but Oklahoma is sporting a very cool and wet spring. Until now, there hasn’t been much progress to report in the vegetable garden. I harvested peas and...
View ArticleGrowing Glass Gem Corn
‘Glass Gem’ is one unique corn, and I’m so glad I grew it this year. Carol from May Dreams Gardens gave me some kernels last spring from the ‘Glass Gem’ corn she grew in her garden in Indiana. Before...
View ArticleLate summer vegetable garden and Monarch butterflies
The vegetable garden is in transition. It’s late summer, and all the tomatoes were taking over, so I removed most of them keeping only those plants that were still producing heavily and seemed healthy....
View ArticleCreate a fall vegetable garden
You can create a fall vegetable garden in Oklahoma and much of the South, but you should start when the weather is still warm. August and September are the best months to plant seeds and starter...
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